Lock in your share of Indiana Grown, Non-GMO, SOY-FREE forest raised pork for 2024!
*Butcher date November 6th, 2025 ready for pickup within 2 weeks.*
Our Butcher, LEGACY MEAT CO. is located at 128 W Catherine St, Flora IN 46929.
I. KSP collects a non-refundable deposit of:
-$200/Whole $150/Half
-This reserves your Half or Whole forest raised pig and pays down your total balance.
2. You review the cut selection sheet and submit to our butcher.
-If you have any questions about selecting cuts don't hesitate to call/text us at 662-546-0698 or email at kellsquirespastures@gmail.com.
(Butcher information below.)
3. Pay the remainder of your balance to KSP.
-After we transport the pigs to the butcher and determine their live weight you'll receive an invoice through email for the balance on your pig.
4. Once you receive a call that your pig is ready, drive to Legacy Meat Co., pay the butcher for your cuts and load up your hog.
-Our butcher is located at 128 W Catherine St, Flora, IN 46929. (574)-967-3711) https://www.legacymeatco.com/
Packaged cuts come fully frozen in plastic bags.
(Whole hogs will yield approximately 160lbs of product. half/80 Ibs.)