My name is Mike and along with my wife Tiffany we welcome you to Kell Squires Pastures! Here is a word about us and how KSP came to be.
Tiffany and I have been together for 10 years now, away from the farm Tiffany is an optician with Target Optical and I am a supervisor in the medical field.
I grew up here, on our farm in Sheridan, IN. Tiffany grew up farther north in a small town with one four-way stoplight called Rossville, IN.
Prior to meeting, both Tiffany and I had our fair share of nagging health issues, some more serious than others. In the midst of apartment jumping, graduating college and piles of medical bills the broken industrial food system was the last thing on our minds, when it should have been the first. That fall, Tiffany and I got engaged and began planning our lives together, which at the time was nothing akin to a farm.
Enter COVID-19. Tiffany and I realized even more how important it is to take control of our own health. For us that meant taking responsibility for our food, what was in it, where it came from and how it was raised. We dove in head first, learning about anything from regenerative farming methods and decentralized food systems to nutritional density and environmental stewardship.
During September of 2021 we spent our honeymoon relaxing and dreaming up our farm and future life.
Jump to April of 2022, and our plans had been realized with our first batch of meat birds arriving and the official rollout of our farm, Kell Squires Pastures.
We look forward to expanding our knowledge and experience with more animals on the farm to provide our family and community with pasture based animal products and home goods that far exceed any organic certifications as well as regenerate the land.
Thank you so much for the honor of raising your food!
- Mike & Tiffany Squires