Pastured chicken is a lot of work, but well worth it.
The practice of regenerative agriculture is a cyclical method of farming that not only gives back to the natural ecosystem but conserves and improves it. Our birds are moved to fresh pasture every 24 hours. This eliminates the need for antibiotics because the birds are not living in their droppings. Instead, their droppings fertilize the natural biome and contribute to a regenerative cycle that increases organic matter leaving healthier pasture for the next batch of birds.
Compared to commercial or barn-raised chickens pastured chickens have been shown to have 3x the omega -3s, 50% more vitamin A,D, and E and 21% less saturated fat. We think it's a shame that a typical grocery store chicken likely never ingested any green plant material for its entire life, leading to a completely unnatural diet, and hence, an unhealthy bird.
Not only is pasture raised chicken healthier for humans to consume, it’s healthier for our planet, soil, and the birds. When chickens are allowed to live our their instinctual behaviors they choose to peck, scratch, forage, and dust bathe. They also like to move around and stretch their legs. Chickens love to eat clover, worms, grubs, and grasses. Living on pasture gives them all of these opportunities.
Kell Squires Pastures is all about knowing what's in our food. As customers and consumers ourselves we wanted to be able to trust the labels on our food and not be misled by the greenwashing of industrial food companies that have co-opted and diluted certain phrases. So , if you ever have any questions about how we do things or would like to check out the farm yourself, please let us know!